8 Apr 2021



The Samnites (Phil) with Gallic Allies (Geoff) have invaded 

Roman N Italy.(Graham/Dave)

The Samnite Galls have 10900 pts vs 10100 for the Romans.


Dave's forces sets up in the centre and on the right wing, the 

only scenery a wood directly ahead of his right flank.

Graham takes the left wing for the Romans, all the Roman 

Generals have three cards (competent), they are out scouted

by the invaders and set up accordingly first.

Geoff  positions himself on the Samnite left flank,

 a force of chariots, warriors and skirmishers.


Geoff's Gauls














Phil's Samnites covers the centre and right wings, his cavalry

head off at full speed to the the outside of the Roman left flank 

commanded by Graham. Their Army has  one talented (four card) 

Samnite general. They otherwise match the romans with the rest 

being competent, (three card).

Samnites / Gauls left, Romans right.

Phil's cavalry move to the flank and one of his foot units

races along the back of the formation to fill the gap created 

in his line.

Phil's cavalry moving to the flank.

Phil's infantry start on the long trek to the right wing.

Graham's skirmishers meet the threat

Graham's general goes five turns without a coloured card.

The whole Roman command fails to get a coloured command 

card on the first turn, and Graham gets his first coloured card on

turn six,(green). He ends up getting two yellows on the last 

turn and no reds at all during the game. 

Graham's light cavalry retreat through his mediums doing no 

damage. Phil's superior cavalry start to wear down their

opponents who are average only. 

The gap closes.

In the first clash of infantry 3 1/2 files go down

Ouch another three

Geoff's Gauls charge the line.

They achieve a shatter and another bloody round

Skirmishes trade missile fire with limited effect in cover.

Phils successful cavalry appear behind Graham

In the dying moments Phils cavalry charge Grahams

flank. Elsewhere it looks like the Samnites and Gauls 

have the edge over the Romans.

The Cavalry do limited damage and the Romans turn 

to meet their foe. Elsewhere another Samnite unit goes 

down and the Romans come back into contention.

With only one more tug to go on both sides the Samnites

who had initiative manage to destroy one last Tug and take 


Out of interest the Romans who were hit in the back by the 

cavalry threw their dice and would have destroyed their  foe.

So the game came down to who choose the last combat.

What could have been.....

The game had many stand outs, Grahams total lack of cards.

Grahams amazing killer dice. The devastating charge of Geoff's 

Gaul foot as well as Grahams destruction of one of Phil's Tugs.

Game one has set the tone.

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